A Nanny Goat and Her Baby Mountain Goat

by Lena Owens
A Nanny Goat and Her Baby Mountain Goat
Lena Owens
Photograph - Photography
by OLena Art
Skiing, hiking, climbing, camping, backpacking, or even viewing wildlife are all part of the Colorado experience. In addition to the scenic landscape of Colorado, the wildlife is equally mesmerizing to Coloradans and visitors. In the Rocky Mountains of North America, Mount Evans is the highest peak in the Mount Evans Wilderness. Mount Evans byway is a good place to see mountain goats if it's not too windy. They are known to be seen along the trail above the parking lot all the way to the top. Along Summit Lake, I would also check the trails. It's impossible to predict where they'll appear since they wander around.
Its long creamy white hair keeps the goat warm in the winter months (see photos). Predators cannot see them because of their white coat, which matches the snow. During the warmer months, they rub against trees to shed their thick fur. Hooves, horns, lips, and nostrils are black.
The females are called nannies, the males are called billies, and the young are called kids
"Beards" are formed by long hair under the throat of adults. An adorable Mountain Nanny and Her Kid Goats at Mile High Colorado Painting
July 13th, 2017
Comments (42)

Wilfrido Limvalencia
What an awesome photo! Thank you for all the interesting information you've provided!

Mary Wolf
What a wonderful image capturing the beauty of nature in this gorgeous mountain scene. l/f