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 Grizzly  Mother And a Cub in Katmai National Park Digital Art by Lena Owens

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Comments (30)

Lois Bryan

Lois Bryan

What a fantastic capture, Lena!!!! Fabulous timing on your part ... love the interplay of the two!!! And how I love the capture of their oh so darling fuzziness!!!! Awesome!!!!! l/f t and p

Lena Owens replied:

Thank you for your kind comment on my artwork, Lois

Donna Kennedy

Donna Kennedy

Wonderful wildlife capture Lena, so beautiful to see!!...L/T

Britta Glodde

Britta Glodde

This is so cute. Great shot, Lena. L

Lena Owens replied:

❤️❤️❤️ many thanks 🙏

Phyllis Kaltenbach

Phyllis Kaltenbach

A wonderful capture, Lena. VF

Lena Owens replied:

Thank you 🙏Phillis ❤️

Karen Beasley

Karen Beasley

Great capture of this pair! LF

Lena Owens replied:

Dear Karen thank you 🙏

Veikko Suikkanen

Veikko Suikkanen

Wonderful capture Lena! L

Lena Owens replied:

Very appreciate it Veikko 💜

John Bartelt

John Bartelt

What a wonderful photograph of the Grizzly Mom and her cub, Lena! l/f

Lena Owens replied:

Dear John ❤️ TY so much

Morris Finkelstein

Morris Finkelstein

Beautiful close up photograph of a Grizzly mother and her cub, with great pose, colors, clarity, perspective, and composition, Lena! F/L

Lena Owens replied:

Very appreciate it 🌹

Sandi OReilly

Sandi OReilly

Awesome capture of this special moment, terrific work F/L/Tw

Lena Owens replied:

Dear Sandi ❤️❤️ 🙏

Color Color

Color Color

Very nice capture !

Lena Owens replied:

Many thanks 🙏

Bunny Clarke

Bunny Clarke

This is such a sweet and gorgeous capture. How were the flies then? When did you go April or May? It's the last state on my bucket list for all 50. :o)

Lena Owens replied:

Well we went in May but if I go next time it would be August or September Bunny take a flight to see them you will love it 😍

Chris PrintsProject

Chris PrintsProject

Wow Lena, absolutely amazing capture! ❤ l/f

Lena Owens replied:

Thank you 🙏 dear Chris

Malanda Warner

Malanda Warner

Wonderful capture Lena, soooo cute! LF

Lena Owens replied:

Sooo appreciate my friend ❤️

Laurie Search

Laurie Search

Absolutely incredible, and so sweet and gorgeous!!! :)))vf

Lena Owens replied:

Dear Laurie thank you 🙏

Swedish Attitude Design

Swedish Attitude Design

🌸This is a outstanding shot and a great capture! Love it! L/F 🌸

Lena Owens replied:

Thank you 🌸🌸🌸

Lenore Senior

Lenore Senior

Aw!! Absolutely fantastic! I love this!! v/f/pin!!

Lena Owens replied:

Thanks, my dear Lenore and for the pin too :-)

Sandra Huston

Sandra Huston

Great capture!! l/f

Lena Owens replied:

Thanks, Sandra!! :-)

Jaroslav Buna

Jaroslav Buna

Excellent capture! Adorable! Nicely done!

Lena Owens replied:

Thanks millions, Jaroslav! ;)

Kristina Rinell

Kristina Rinell

Sweet capture, Lena! l/f

Lena Owens replied:

Dear Kristina, many thanks!!

Wes Iversen

Wes Iversen

A very sweet capture, Lena! L/F

Lena Owens replied:

Happy to hear from you, Wes!

Felix Lai

Felix Lai

Amazing capture, love this! l/f

Lena Owens replied:

Thank you so much, Felix!

Cindy Treger

Cindy Treger

Lena, what an adorable capture. f/l

Lena Owens replied:

So nice of you, Cindy! Thank you very much!

Al Bourassa

Al Bourassa

A Mother's day shot for sure. VLF

Lena Owens replied:

True! Thanks for a tip, I'll put keywords for that ;-) Thanks, Al!

Chris Lord

Chris Lord

Wonderful to be able to get so close to these beautiful animals, And you did such a great job capturing this special moment!

Lena Owens replied:

It was so cool! I sure you'd enjoy trip to see them :-) Thank you for support, Chris!

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 Grizzly  Mother And a Cub in Katmai National Park by Lena Owens
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