Grizzly Mother And a Cub in Katmai National Park

by Lena Owens
Grizzly Mother And a Cub in Katmai National Park
Lena Owens
Digital Art - Photograph
Grizzly Bear Mother And a Cub in Katmai National Park by Lena Owens @OLena Art
The Alaskan coastal brown bear is an intelligent and impressive animal. Although classified as “loners” the coastal brown bears we visit during our Alaska bear viewing tours in Katmai are quite social, and often congregate in large groups around food sources such as salmon runs and sedge grass meadows. Bears often interact with one another, which makes for entertaining bear watching. Bears communicate with one another using body language, posturing, and vocalizations that can range from roars to huffs to sharp popping sounds. Grizzly bear vs. grizzly bear confrontations are rarely physical, unless the bears are playing for fun. Cubs as well as adult bears often tumble, wrestle, play chase, and hang out with other bears during their free time.
One reason Alaska brown bears are such exciting animals to be watching in the wild is their intelligence. There are many fascinating examples of brown bear intelligence and tool use – they rub the plant lovage into their fur as a natural bug repellent and eat volcanic ash to get rid of intestinal parasites. Alaska Brown bears live for 20 to 25 years and have distinct personalities. Although called “brown” bears they vary in coloration from almost black to a very light blonde. Grizzly bears and brown bears are the same species, although “brown” bear is more often used to describe coastal bears. The Alaska grizzly bear population is estimated at about 30,000, and about 3,000 grizzly bears reside in Katmai National Park. via https://alaskabearviewing.com/alaska-bear-watching-tours/
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June 16th, 2018
Comments (30)

Lois Bryan
What a fantastic capture, Lena!!!! Fabulous timing on your part ... love the interplay of the two!!! And how I love the capture of their oh so darling fuzziness!!!! Awesome!!!!! l/f t and p

Morris Finkelstein
Beautiful close up photograph of a Grizzly mother and her cub, with great pose, colors, clarity, perspective, and composition, Lena! F/L

Bunny Clarke
This is such a sweet and gorgeous capture. How were the flies then? When did you go April or May? It's the last state on my bucket list for all 50. :o)
Lena Owens replied:
Well we went in May but if I go next time it would be August or September Bunny take a flight to see them you will love it 😍

Chris Lord
Wonderful to be able to get so close to these beautiful animals, And you did such a great job capturing this special moment!
Lena Owens replied:
It was so cool! I sure you'd enjoy trip to see them :-) Thank you for support, Chris!