Healing Hands A Vintage Modern Fresco

by Lena Owens
Healing Hands A Vintage Modern Fresco
Lena Owens
Painting - Painting
Through layers of history, we uncover the universal language of our ancestors, etched in the handprints and hieroglyphs of their artistic legacy.
showcasing textured backgrounds a vintage fresco, featuring prehistoric cave-like elements and ancient symbols, evoking a sense of ancient symbology and connection to early human art forms.
artwork #handprints #hieroglyphs #vintage #fresco #prehistoricart #cavepaintings #ancientsymbols #logos #grayspiral #conchshell #ancientsymbology #earlyhumanartforms #mixedmedia #artisticlegacy
December 24th, 2016
Comments (21)

OLena Art - Lena Owens
Thank you to the art collector who visited OLena Art FAA page and purchased π΄ βHealing Hands" :-) #healinghands #collectingart #olenaart

Shirlena Rudder
Are you a fan of reflexology? Love this. So earthy.
Lena Owens replied:
I do like, and I knew a lady, who practiced it, but I don't know very much about reflexology. Thank you so much for visit, Shirlena!!

Joel Bruce Wallach
Beautiful ancient fresco look for your healing hands work, Lena. Wishing you continued creative explorations throughout 2017!