Pears Fresco with Crackled Finish

by Lena Owens
Pears Fresco with Crackled Finish
Lena Owens
Painting - Painting
A cracked finish on the Fresque des Poires. Try painting on a rough wall like we see in some old church houses and ancient structures. It is not an easy task, but the result when you finally pull through is an outstanding one.
June 21st, 2018
Comments (36)

Jeff Burgess
Cleaver and creative. Love the idea and the result. Now following you and I'll be back. Regards.

Lois Bryan
oh wow, Lena!!!!! This is gorgeous, gorgeous art!!!! Beautiful and unique ... it reminds me a little bit of the fabulous frescos I saw in Pompeii ... just that right bit of texture and depth!!!! Really wonderful art!!!! I'm in awe!!!!! l/f t and p

Lena Owens OLena Art
I am glad you like it and description :) I was wondering how my description is to other people 🌸🌸🌸