Underneath My Umbrella, I am Protected From the Rain.

by Lena Owens
Underneath My Umbrella, I am Protected From the Rain.
Lena Owens
Digital Art - Graphic Design
Motherhood Art Illustration This delightful illustration showcases a heartwarming scene that celebrates the essence of motherhood. It features a determined hen, valiantly shielding her chicks from the pouring rain. The hen's unwavering dedication and protective instincts are beautifully captured, creating a visual narrative that resonates with mother and her unwavering love for her children. 🌺 Make a Statement 🌺
This delightful artwork and typography text combine to create a captivating greeting card that celebrates motherhood in all its glory. With its heartwarming depiction of a mother hen protecting her chicks from rain, it beautifully captures the essence of a mother's love and protection.
March 6th, 2010
Comments (23)

Carla Parris
Very unusual look with the crackle effect throughout the image, and the little fragments around the edge. Great texture, and lovely painting with the sweet little chicks around their plump, very matronly mother! v and tw

Lenore Senior
This looks like one proud mother hen with her brood (so cute). The colors are great and it's just a fun piece. Love it!

Dawn Senior-Trask
Wow! Spectacular work, and such a delight! I'm glad you like my sculpture -- thanks for your comment. This is superb!
Lena Owens replied:
Dear, Dawn, very appreciate it and the best wishes for your sculptures! Thank you again 🙂

Lena OLena Art
Ya kleyu na fanery kak Steve Bogdanoff. On tolko kraya ostavlyaet, ya net... ya delayu yashik sama ;)

Lena OLena
Yes Svitozar - it is kurochka ;) I'm so happy to hear from such a talented artist as you!